Prepare Your Students for the Workforce

Teach Project-Based Lessons

Offer Portfolio Building Assignments

Provide Foundational Info & Tips

Included Videos Support Coursework

In-Book & Online Reviews & Quizzes

Test Easily with Auto Scoring

Build Custom Books & eProjects

Released on Adobe's Schedule

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Less Planning. More Time.
Adobe releases software faster than most instructors can make new lesson plans. That’s why we provide comprehensive course materials, freeing you to focus on new features and functionality, new class preparation, and one-on-one instruction.
Prepare Students for a Career
By walking students through real-world client scenarios, we help them learn the tools and techniques of design while simultaneously building their professional portfolio. Using our project-based learning format, they’re given a direct path from classroom to career.
We Keep You Current
Students learn from the most up-to-date materials. Designed for the classroom and following Adobe’s annual release schedule, we have you covered. And for high schools and technical schools, contact us for three-, four-, and five-year ebook plans.